Guard Dogs
(Guardian Dogs, Property Guards, Home Security Dogs, Personal protection Dogs, Professional Guard Dogs)
Most modern dog breeds will naturally act as guardians when at home, but some dog breeds have been especially developed or selectively bred for their natural inclination to guard and defend the territory and people they consider as having under their custody.
One of the earliest duties of the domestic dog was guarding the property of its owners, whether that property be land, livestock or his owner's home.

Please note that ALL of these breeds are excellent guard dogs and that the differences in performance between these top guard dog breeds will ultimately depend on the breeding lines and training.

Moreover, each of these breeds may present individuals displaying superior guard dog qualities that make them stand out even when confronted with dogs belonging to breeds that appear before them in this classification.  The individual character, temperament, training and blood lines of a dog have more weight than his belonging to a specific breed. In some breeds females also tend to be more protective and have a stronger sense of territoriality than males. This classification, therefore, is only meant as a GENERAL guideline.

Another remark is that black dogs or dark-colored dog breeds are usually considered as more dissuasive than other colors. In self-reporting surveys among burglars black or darker dogs always appear as a stronger deterrent than any other coat color. That's why black and dark colored breeds also score higher here.
There is a distinction between guard dogs and watch dogs.
A watchdog simply watches the home and alerts others to the intruder by barking. Watchdogs typically are smaller, more excitable breeds that will bark vigorously at the presence of an intruder or in most situations they experience as out of the ordinary. Many small and toy dog breeds, which would not qualify as guard dogs are excellent watch dogs, as their only duty is to alert their owners with their barking.

In some cases, however, a watchdog alone is not sufficient. A guard dog might be trained to restrain or attack the intruder. For example, livestock guardian dogs are often large enough and strong enough to attack and drive away predators such as wolves. In cases where intruders are more likely to be human, protection dogs may be needed to guard larger, isolated houses or in areas where burglars do not usually hesitate to enter the house even when the owner is at home.

A guard dog not only watches and alerts but also threatens the intruder to the point of retreat. Most guard dogs will instinctively do anything possible to protect their human family and the area they consider as their territory, ranging from dissuasion towards potential intruders until, eventually, attack. Fortunately, their intimidating appearance and low voice often is enough of a deterrent to any would-be intruder. Nevertheless, the trainability of a guardian dog should be on the top list of the qualities required of a guard dog. It is this quality that will ensure that the natural sense of territoriality and protectiveness of a guard dog remains within the limits set by the law. 

A panel composed of dog breeders, veterinarians, cynologists and dog trainers have established a list of dog breeds especially suited for guard dog duties. Dog breeds that qualify as guard dogs must possess a natural inclination to protect along with a strong sense of territory. They usually are very wary of strangers. They stand out for their courage and their resistance to counter-attack.  Other qualities considered as essential by the panel were: trainability, loyalty towards the owner, stress-resistance, watchfulness, and the deterrent factor. The deterrent factor includes not only the impression an individual dog makes because of his bulk, voice and color (black is more impressive than white) but also how recognizable the breed is as a guard breed (a Rottweiler or Doberman will be more easily recognized as a guard breed by a would-be intruder than an Akita or cross-breed, for example).

A guard dog may be trained simply to restrain an intruder with his owner's guidance, as in Schutzhund training, but are not supposed to act as an attack dog, a dog specifically trained to assault an intruder, a use strictly reserved to professional security and under certain circumstances.

Attack dogs can be trained to attack on command and/or on an intruder's trespassing on the territory the dog has the supervision over. Under many jurisdictions, an attack dog is considered a weapon and laws governing its possession as well as employment are strictly enforced. Most often, the owner of a dog is legally responsible for the injury inflicted by a dog, especially if the dog was trained to attack.
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A dry food formula especially designed for Guard, Military, Police and other Service Dogs who have a need for high levels of nutrients.
This new formulation simulates the natural diet of a wild canid in protein, fats, seeds & other nutrients but in a dry form.
More information:
TimberWolf Wild and Natural Canid Formula Dog Food
Dogue de Bordeaux
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Guard dogs
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Original idea, design and development by C. Marien-de Luca. Photos of upper right corner (from left to right) Husky pup and European wolf cub by Eric Isselée.
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See also:
Protection dog training books
Large dog breeds
Giant dog breeds
Flock guard dogs
Dog Training books
Schutzhund training books
How to become an obedience trainer ?
American Pit Bull Terrier
Training Dogs for Protection Work
Training Dogs:
For Protection Work by Fred Mandilk
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Advanced Schutzhund
Advanced Schutzhund (Howell Reference Books)
by Ivan Balabanov
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Manstopper ! Training a Canine Guardian
Training a Canine Guardian
by Joel M. McMains
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A Training Manual--Tracking, Obedience, Protection by Dietmar Schellenberg
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Most commercial dog food formulas have been designed for the sedentary show or pet dog, not for full-blooded working dogs or guard dogs.
Of course, there is nothing like healthy, nutritious home-prepared meals, but if that is not feasible, either because you are on a tight time schedule or for any other reason, we have found that the following brand is an excellent alternative.
Their formulas are carnivore specific with high levels of animal based amino acids but also with multiple grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, probiotics and herbs. They do not contain any corn, soy and refined flours and are concentrated and nutrient dense so that you feed less.
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What to feed your guard dog ?
Full Contact Martial Arts
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Cesar Millan's Mastering Leadership
Volumes 1-3
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Cane Corso
Cane Corso
(Kennel Club Dog Breed Series)
by Emily Bates
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See also: Protection dogs and Livestock guards

Note that most American Pit Bull Terriers lack guard dog instincts but are nevertheless considered a strong deterrent in self-reporting surveys among burglars.